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Profesjonalne tłumaczenia
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Professional translations

Your documents are safe. TextPartner is an experienced translation vendor, operating in the market since 1997. As an active member of European Language Industry Association, TextPartner is continuously developing to help you achieve your business goals through translated documentation.

Professional translations

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

Your multilingual documents may take one of a hundred formats. Yet, it will be easy for us to prepare them for offset or digital printing as well as for on-line publication.

Desktop Publishing (DTP)


Open your PDF files in Word or empower your computer with other SolidDocuments software. Visit our on-line shop.


Inżynieria plików

Chcemy być ekspertami w przetwarzaniu plików PDF. Zebrane doświadczenie przedstawiliśmy na konferencji branżowej w Sztokholmie w prezentacji „Tips and Trick on the translation of image text and PDF files”. Równie chętnie doradzimy naszym klientom w kwestii przetwarzania dokumentów trudnych do edycji.

Inżynieria plików