Project registration
  • Each of your orders is registered on TextPartner's system with a unique symbol and a name, e.g. 9-412-11-1234-4 – test translation.
  • Project details include deadlines, requirements, processes and resources such as databases used in connection with the order.
  • QoS: minimizing organizational errors.
file conversion
file engineering
  • Note: taking that step in the right way may lead to significant savings!
  • The source material is converted to an editable form, suitable for analysis. The irrelevant formatting is corrected and untranslatable text specially marked!
  • QoS: OCR errors affecting the price get eliminated.
  • The analysis module calculates the statistics of your material. It recognizes and skips most non-translatable elements. Those are excluded from the statistics and – in consequence – from the quotation. See an example of an analysis log.
  • The analysis results also show how similar the new material is to that already translated and saved in a translation memory.
  • QoS: repetitions and matched segments are identified; project deadline is calculated.
  • Everybody wants to understand exactly what they are going to buy. The quotation they want should cover the price, deadline and, what is just as important, information on the services offered. That is exactly the type of quotation that you will receive from TextPartner. It includes detailed information about processes which are necessary to be included in your project, supplemented with recommendations for optional services. Very often, the quotation would include information on special promotions!
  • QoS: the customer in presented with options. In that way, the services may closer meet the customer's requirements or needs.
of project details
  • The customer is notified by email of the project settings, just as they are registered on the TOA24 system. Thanks to unique identification, each job within a project may be easily traced and accessed even after archiving.
  • QoS: reference materials associated with the project are collected for suppliers.
Vendor selection
  • Your materials need to get in the hands of trusted professionals – that’s why TextPartner cooperates only with carefully selected vendors. Every assignment supplied by TextPartner vendors is evaluated, and the score recorded in a supplier assessment form. Any person involved in a project confirms in writing to meet the confidentiality and non-disclosure requirements.
  • QoS: the particular supplier expertise is matched to the merit of the translated material.
  • TextPartner puts special emphasis on accuracy, completeness of the translation as well as the use of natural style.
  • Translation memories and term bases are created for reuse in the future.
  • The suppliers read reference materials, standards, professional literature and other materials indicated by the customer.
  • QoS: work is done only by qualified staff and bearing in mind the provisions of EN 15038:2006.
  • Shared glossaries ensure consistent use of terminology in all customer's materials.
  • Glossaries are shared by the whole project team.
  • QoS: consistency of terminology used in all the customer’s materials is ensured.
  • Important queries and announcements may be exchanged by the whole team assigned to a project. Both queries and answers are automatically distributed by a server.
  • QoS: instant distribution of queries and remarks enables in-depth understanding of source material. A common platform, unindexed by search engines, sets better standards in customer service and minimizes the time necessary for problem solving. The system works 24 hours a day and enables easy cooperation among people located in different time zones.
  • Each translator, upon completion of work, reads their text again. At that stage, they can remedy any wrong assumptions taken at the beginning of their work.
  • QoS: elimination of any misassumptions that were clarified later during translation.
  • Proofreading is done by a professional whose linguistic skills in the target language are higher than those normally expected from professional translators. The proofreader focuses on linguistic aspects of the project, eliminates any possible translation errors, suggests linguistic solutions or determines areas to be checked again by translators.
  • QoS: text sounds natural to the native reader of the target language.
QA plug-in
  • A software module designed for checking 17 technical variables such as usage of quotation marks, upper case letters, end of segment characters, occurrence of non-translated segments, correctness of formatting tags, numeral data, etc.
  • QoS: automatic check of 17 technical variables. Click here for the complete list.
Cleanup - format recovery
  • Now, the bilingual segment pairs are separated, and the translation memory gets updated. Then, the target document is created. Due to the fact that source and target segments differ in length, the target document must be additionally processed by a DTP operator.
  • QoS: cleanup of bilingual text and translation memory update allows only the final version of the translation – editing – proof reading to be saved for future use.
or DTP
  • A dtp operator prepares a technically correct document, e.g. ready for printing, web publication or viewing on a computer screen. The layout of pages, text, graphic elements, tables and formatting of text gains its final appearance.
  • QoS: the target document is given a nice, technically correct look, very often based on the source document.
QA according to the LISA
QA Model 3.1
  • QA LISA Model 3.1 is a quality assurance standard developed to support objective control of output quality, based on clearly defined criteria.
  • QA at TextPartner is a process initiated on a translation sample. If it returns a negative result, corrective measures are implemented, and the project is QA'ed again.
  • QoS: independent quality testing of the final product is done based on criteria developed by the Localization Industry Standards Association.
to the customer
  • QoS: deliveries are made by email or made available for download from a website or an ftp server. Delivery includes a report which described the procedures applied and, if necessary, suggest customers changes to be made in the future. Producing a printed proof copy of your material may take just a while. TextPartner's PrintShop is ready for your decision. Also, when required, the material on CDs or DVDs.
  • As a customer, you have the right privilege to ask for services tailored to your needs. To better fit your requirements with every new job, TextPartner asks for feedback on a number of essential matters. TextPartner’s team is always happy to review customer's comments, amend all necessary changes free of charge, so as to meet the customer’s expectations better with any new order.
  • QoS: all the necessary changes are saved using TextPartner technologies free of charge.
Segment status –
changes on the
translation memory
  • Any bilingual segment approved by the customer is the source of best-quality material for re-use. The translator should adhere to such content and remain consistent throughout the job. But do translators know if a segment is approved or not? With TextPartner the answer is YES! Each segment from an approved project is specially marked on the translation memory. That information is available to the whole project team: translators, reviewers, managers and controllers.
  • QoS: all approved segments are marked with a special status which indicates a higher value compared to other segments on the translation memory. In case of doubt, the translator will first use the content marked as approved.
of the glossary
  • The customer-approved terminology is always consistently used in all their translation projects. Moreover, your projects are automatically checked for any discrepancies between the approved and used terminology.
  • QoS: improving the reliability of glossaries for reuse in the future. The coherence of terminology used in customers' materials is a crucial factor that influences positive perception of their image by end users.
  • QoS: any archived project can be easily located and retrieved for reuse. Project data is protected in the same way as other sensitive and confidential information.

Professional translations

Your documents are safe. TextPartner is an experienced translation vendor, operating in the market since 1997. As an active member of European Language Industry Association, TextPartner is continuously developing to help you achieve your business goals through translated documentation.

Professional translations

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

Your multilingual documents may take one of a hundred formats. Yet, it will be easy for us to prepare them for offset or digital printing as well as for on-line publication.

Desktop Publishing (DTP)


Open your PDF files in Word or empower your computer with other SolidDocuments software. Visit our on-line shop.


Inżynieria plików

Chcemy być ekspertami w przetwarzaniu plików PDF. Zebrane doświadczenie przedstawiliśmy na konferencji branżowej w Sztokholmie w prezentacji „Tips and Trick on the translation of image text and PDF files”. Równie chętnie doradzimy naszym klientom w kwestii przetwarzania dokumentów trudnych do edycji.

Inżynieria plików